China posted a 14.5% jump in the quantity of natural rubber (Including mixture and compounds) imported into the country during August 2022 compared with the same month a year ago. Please have a look at the quantity of different forms of NR imported during the month of August, from 2017 onwards.

Mixture rubber (HS 400280) constituted 61% of the imports during Aug 2022 followed by TSR or block rubber (25%).

Imports rose 8.9% during Jan-Aug 2022

China imported 3.55 million tons of natural rubber during the first eight months (Jan-Aug) of this year, up 8.9% year-over-year. The higher imports, despite the manufacturing sector remained hit by continued lockdowns and COVD-related restrictions, is largely a reflection of the delayed arrival of earlier shipments. Due to the shipping logistics disruptions and abnormal rise in ocean freight cost that continued for several months, there had been long shipping delays particularly in 2021. China’s imports had fallen 9.1% to 5.156 million tons in the year ended Dec 2021. The annual imports from 2017 to 2021 and the import during the first eight months of 2022 are shown below.

The following table compares the volume imported during Jan-Aug 2022 with the corresponding figures from 2017 onwards across different forms of NR.

The total volume imported during Jan-Aug 2022 was comprised of 58% mixture rubber, 26% TSR, 6% latex and 3% RSS.

Monthly Report (Rubber Analysis and Forecasts)

For detailed trade analysis, separate for mixture rubber, TSR, RSS, latex and cup-lump, along with source countries and cost comparison across source countries, please refer to the “Monthly Report” of Rubber Analysis and Forecasts available at the following link: